Title I
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Welcome to Title I
What is Title I? What does Title I look like at Woodfin Elementary School?
Title I is the largest federal aid program for our nation's schools. It is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act established by President Johnson in 1965. Federal funding for Title I provides services to students who have academic needs that are otherwise not addressed. Title I money helps to fund reading teachers in schools. At Woodfin, that means we can offer small group reading instruction to our students. Money is also provided that allows our school to hold parent events and to help our teachers pursue professional development opportunities. To learn more about Title I, please visit the District Title I page.
For an overview of how the Title I program works at Woodfin Elementary, please attend our annual meeting on September 21, 2023 from 5:30-7 PM. Please note that an interpreter will be present during each session. If you are unable to attend the meeting, a video is provided here for you to review. Annual Title I Meeting Materials (English)
Materiales de Reunión (Español)
As a Title I school, we also ask teachers, administrators, students, and families to review, sign, and reference our Home and School compact. These compacts serve as reminders for what the expectations are for teachers, administrators, students, and families as we all work together to help our students experience success. Please view our 2023-2024 Home and School Compacts by following this link.
Please view the Parent Involvement tab to see how we involve families in our learning here at Woodfin Elementary School. Ms. Marzullo is the Title I teacher here at Woodfin Elementary School. Please visit her page to learn more about Title I involvement at our school.