Maintaining an orderly, safe and respectful climate is essential for teaching and learning to occur. At Woodfin, we have a Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) systems approach. PBIS is a general term that refers to the application of positive interventions and system changes to achieve socially important behavior change. We ask that parents support and assist us with this approach.
Our behavioral expectations are that students will be: 3 B’s (3 Bees)
Be Safe: Follow directions, be thoughtful of yourself and others by remembering where you are and acting appropriately.
Be Respectful: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Listen and act accordingly.
Be Responsible: Use needed items appropriately and remember others' needs as well as leaving areas the way you found them.
Our School PBIS Pledge
Our pledge is based on the 3 B’s (Bees) and will be read each morning after the Pledge of Allegiance. Our pledge is:
At Woodfin Elementary, we are a family of life­long learners.
We will remember to Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible in everything we do.
We know we represent our community, our country, and our hope for the future. We are Woodfin Wolverines even when no one is watching!