Library Media Center

Welcome to the Owen High School Media Center!
Media Specialist: Samantha Gallman
Media Assistant: Tonia Myers
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
The OHS Media Center is a collaborative space providing access to print and digital resources as well as instruction to promote a student's desire to be a life long learner.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to cultivate life long learners who exhibit ethical decision making when accessing, creating, and using information.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to have a media center capable of supporting student learning and interests through a variety of resources, both physical and digital.
Belief Statements:
Educational needs and student interest drive decision making.
Access to resources ensures equity.
Collaboration among stakeholders yields successful outcomes.
Sources of Information:
Owen High School’s Media Center collection of books, can be accessed through our electronic catalog. To access the Destiny catalog
Click the Link:
Select the name of your student's school
Use the catalog button at the top of the screen to search by keyword, title, author, subject, or series
Buncombe County Schools' students also have home and school access to online services such as EBSCO resources through their IAM login. Students should check with teachers or the media center staff for appropriate passwords if using these online services at home.
Circulation Policy:
Unlimited books can be checked out unless class assignments require limiting certain titles or resources or student account reflects lost materials and excessive fines.
Students and teachers also have access to digital books through the Sora portal in their IAM login.
Fine Policy:
OHS Media Center does not charge daily fines. We will, however, need to charge for lost materials.